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This collaborative project is a response to the current situation we are in. Where sounds seem to have been displaced, they are ruminating in our minds. There is a strange chaos in this calm. Actions seem to have been displaced and the world seems to be reduced to red dots transient, connected yet with boundaries, dangerous yet safe. There is nowhere to go. This is how I see the world today.

Year 1 (Masters in Critical Image Practice HSLU)
group (Rashmi Sathe, Amos Roger)

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Displacement (Year 1 (Masters in Critical Image Practice HSLU))
group (Sathe Rashmi, Roger Amos)
This collaborative project is a response to the current situation we are in. Where sounds seem to have been displaced, they are ruminating in our minds. There is a strange chaos in this calm. Actions seem to have been displaced and the world seems to be reduced to red dots transient, connected yet with boundaries, dangerous yet safe. There is nowhere to go. This is how I see the world today.
Video, digital illustration and sound
iPad procreate and iMovie
28.44inches*28.44 inches (image)

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