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BSP (Bangkok Smell Project)

After SARS in 2002, I’ve asked 202 city residents of different social background to name their favorite smell, then wrote it on a plaster cast of their nose and took their picture
202 digital prints, each 21 x 30 cm

Liliane Zumkemi

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Katalog; Crazy Soap by Liliane Zumkemi, Tadu Gallery Bangkok, 2005


Atmos Smile (2020)
Liliane Zumkemi
Aus der Serie Atmos- Recollaction:

Atmos ( Ancient Greek meaning 'vapour' ) How would our memories look like in the atmos of our brain? Starting point are pictures from the mountains where I spent my childhood. Working with paraffin and oil color I`m rearranging those pictures in an interior landscape: the atmos of our brain
mixed media works
Collage und Malerei
2 kg
60 x 80 x3

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Atmos Recollectin (2020)
Liliane Zumkemi
Aus der Serie Atmos-Recollaction:

Atmos (Ancient Greek meaning 'vapour') How would our memories look like in the atmos of our brain? Starting point are pictures from the mountains where I spent my childhood. Working with paraffin and oil color I`m rearranging those pictures in an interior landscape: the atmos of our brain
mixed media on wood
Collage und Malerie
je 500 g
25 x 30 x 3 cm

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