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What Remains

A curatorial choreography (process oriented performance)

In celebration of the end of the world as we (thought) we knew it and as an invitation to imagine the next...
My partner Johannes and I moved our home, atelier and project space during the corona crises. Turning this process into a performative reflection we asked, “What do we want to take with us and what do we want to leave behind?" and "Can the microcosm of our life and home become the possibility of a new world in which the precarious conditions of society are addressed and healed through the personal and the intimate?" Believing in the power of art to generate new ways of thinking and acting, we asked 18 curators from around the world to remember and imagine the world by performing a scripted curatorial choreography with us. We documented this in an intimate physical and online exhibition of a series of sill life installations, combining artworks and artifacts from our daily life with the collaborative contributions.

Nilo Dawn

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The performance is documented on our project space website at www.aufderhoehe.com and has been submitted to Contemporary Art Daily. Further performances and texts will be added throughout the project and we plan on printing a limited edition of catalogs.

The following is a selection of images showing some of the installations that document "What Remains", my curatorial performance. Individual curators are credited as performers with each installation. For a description of the curatorial choreography, please see the attached press release for. The choreography is also given in the description of the first documented work.


What Remains: Sophie’s Broom (or White Magic) (2020)
Nilo Dawn
Performed by Sophie Jung (Basel) and Nilo&NILO for "What Remains"
The image documents the final installation of a curatorial performance by Dawn Nilo

Objects and artworks in the installation:
“Rufus”, 2018 clay figure in plastic wrap by Dawn Nilo
Hair, chair, broom, string, film still test photos (collection Nilo & NILO)

Curatorial Choreography
1. Objects from the remains of life at The Kitchen Aufderhoehe, as well as artworks by Dawn and Johannes Nilo, will be left in the emptied apartment in various states of composition.

2. Each curator will bring an artwork, object, text or concept and, in collaboration with the artists, curate it as a part of an installation, with and in relation to the other objects. The result will be photographed and becomes a work that will be published online.

3. Each work may be either designated as fixed (so that it remains intact and in place “as is” throughout the exhibition) or fluid (so that it can be changed and re-curatad into the future).
found objects & art works
performance documented as a still life installation

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Epiphany and Apophenia (2020)
Nilo Dawn
Performed by Wil Aballe (Vancouver) and Nilo&NILO for “What Remains”
The image documents the final installation of a curatorial performance by Dawn Nilo

Objects and artworks included in the installation:
“Butterfly Farm”, 2020, dyed silk painting by Jeff Hallbauer
“The Door”, 2020, cyanotype print by Dawn Nilo
“The Blue Wall” 2017, wall painting by Patrick Müllerschön and Johannes Nilo
“Dot Drawings” 2020 by Johanne
found objects & art works
performance documented as a still life installation

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Wait and Sea (2020)
Nilo Dawn
Performed by Alex Silber (Basel) and Nilo&NILO for “What Remains”
The image documents the final installation for a curatorial performance by Dawn Nilo

Objects and artworks included in the installation:
Rifiuti/Entsorgung (Scharze Madonna)”, 2020, polyethylen (probably) performance object
“Cracks in the Soul”, 2017, inkjet printby Dawn and Johannes Nilo
Plastic carpet (Nilo & NILO collection)
found objects and art works
performance documented as a still life installation

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Rosemarystrawberonion (2020)
Nilo Dawn
Performed by Irini Karayannopoulou (Athens) and Nilo&NILO for “What Remains”
The image documents the final installation for a curatorial performance by Dawn Nilo

Objects and artworks included in the installation:
"Rosemarystrawberonion” 2020, godmother performance Irini Karayannopoulou,
Rosemary, strawberry, chives, ceramic pot, wooden base by Johannes Nilo (collection Nilo & NILO
“Blue in Black”, 2020 Wall painting by Dawn Nilo

When three different species meet and greet, or.
When solar energy, wind and water feed this awesome treesome, or.
(text by Irini Karayannopoulou)
Performance instructions:
Irini Karayannopoulou will become the godmother of Dawn and Johannes' plant, which is to move with them to their new space. Text by Irini Karayannopoulou
found objects & art works
performance documented as a still life installation

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I will all for this (2020)
Nilo Dawn
Performed by Poka-Yio (Athens) and Nilo&NILO for “What Remains”
The image documents the final installation for a curatorial performance by Dawn Nilo

Objects and artworks included in the installation:
“Dawn down the drain”, 2020, Performance ritual by Poka-Yio
“I will all for this”, 2016 Manual typeset print by Johannes Nilo (text by Dawn Nilo)
Wooden toilet chair (Nilo & NILO collection)

"Dawn, Down the Drain"

-Dawn will spend two hours contemplating on various objects around the house. Common objects or even her artworks and other artifacts in the house.
-She will write on single small (around A5) pieces of paper one object at a time and some negative associations that object brings. E.g. the anxiety she had when she was doing a certain artwork.
-She will gather 10 pieces of paper with 10 short explanations of the "disempowering" sentiments these objects had once been associated with.
- Poka-Yio 2020
found objects & art works
performance documented as a still life installation

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Head Body Leg (2020)
Nilo Dawn
Performed by Ralph Bürgin (Basel) and Nilo&NILO for “What Remains”
The image documents the final installation for a curatorial performance by Dawn Nilo

Objects and artworks included in the installation:
"Argus", 2020, oil on canvasby Ralph Bürgin
"Untitled", 2015, rolled painting, waterolor on paper and tape by Dawn Nilo
Tennis ball, insect (Nilo & Nilo collection)

found objects & art works
performance documented as a still life installation

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Italian Design (2020)
Nilo Dawn
Performed by Bert Houbrechts (Berlin) and Nilo&NILO for “What Remains”
The image documents the final installation for a curatorial performance by Dawn Nilo

Objects and artworks included in the installation:
"Curiosity Shop", 2020 by Dawn Nilo
Plastic cabinet from the collection of Bert Houbrecht
Tarot card, cluminol in a plastic vile, box of cards, oxidized copper flakes in a glass jar, clown nose, glue stick, smurf, plastic ball, dental cast, stone, paper bookspine (from he Curiosity Shop by Dawn Nilo)
found objects & art works
performance documented as a still life installation

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Study for counting to infinity (2020)
Nilo Dawn
Performed by Aida Kidane (Zurich) and Nilo&NILO for “What Remains”
The image documents the final installation for a curatorial performance by Dawn Nilo

Objects and artworks included in the installation:
"Study for counting to infinity", 2020, latex cast by Aida Kidane
"Hanging", 2020 by Johannes Nilo
found objects & art works
performance documented as a still life installation

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Breath Drawing (2020)
Nilo Dawn
Performed by Chus Martinez (Basel) and Nilo&NILO for “What Remains”
The image documents the final installation for a curatorial performance by Dawn Nilo

Objects and artworks included in the installation:
"Breath Drawing", April 2020, Video by Edwardo Navaro
found objects & art works
performance documented as a still life installation

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Cast in Resin (2020)
Nilo Dawn
Performed by Yota Tsotra (Basel) and Nilo&NILO for “What Remains”
The image documents the final installation for a curatorial performance by Dawn Nilo

Objects and artworks included in the installation:
"Dionysos Village Resort", plastic, shells, stones and wood in water, 2013 by Dawn Nilo

Incouding the following walltext by Yota Tsotra:
found objects & art works
performance documented as a still life installation

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